Getting Testy

Ohai, everybuddy! Last week I went to see the vet for my annual exam. They all said I was a Very Good Girl!
I think I did pretty well on my test, but I might have made just a few small mistakes on a few of the questions. Here is my Report Card. If you click on them, you can see them bigger. Or you can just use a microscope.

Here is page 2. It was a long test!
And now because I did not do my best on my bloods test, I have to take ANOTHER test! It already has my name on it. This is so Harley does not take the test by mistake.
Hmmmm, let me see this stuff. It looks weird.
Do not worry. I will take the potty test. And I am pretty sure I will pass this test. Because I am a Very Good Girl, after all.