Society of Feline Gardeners-Thursday In The Garden With Jonesie


I'm a little worried today.  My sister Cory is going in for her dental appt. this morning.  I'll have to throw myself into my gardening to keep my mind off it.  We'll post an update as soon as we can.

There have been big changes in the garden this week.  Mom and dad got tired of my weed garden.  I loved sleeping in it, but admit it was a mess.  Dad had it ripped out this past weekend.  All that is left is smooth dirt.  It is pretty awesome for rolling your furs in it.  I've been promised it will be grass someday. 

With no weed patch available for a snooze, I decided to check out the beets.  I find that sharpening your claws near the plants makes them feel safe and protected.

Our tomatoes are still green.  I keep purring for them to turn red, but it's not working.  I may have to nap under the plants to get it to work.

A garden cat must make sure she spends her time equally between fruits/vegetables and flowers.  Our Joe Pye Weed is looking fantastic.

The Butterfly Bush is a beautiful shade of purple.

Hollyhocks make me happy.

What's growing in your garden this week?


Cory did fine with her dental procedure and is waking up.  She did not have to have any teeth pulled!