Society of Feline Gardeners- Thursday in the Garden


He there!  Yeah, I know.  This is not dirt I'm sitting on and the rug next to me is not grass.  I have a good excuse.  The weather here is yucky!  First we got a dusting of snow and now it's turned to heavy rain.  It's enough to make a garden cat want to fly south for the winter.

But the dreary days of January are meant for one thing...besides snuggling with your mom and dad by the fire.

Yes, it's time to start planning the spring garden!  I'm starting to paw through Renee's Garden website.  It's where I got my super fabulous seeds last year.  My purrsonal favorites were the Jewell Toned Blend Beets and the Tricolor Circus Circus Carrots! you know how fabulous Renee's Garden is...if you enter code FR227A

when you check out...they will donate 25% of the cost of the order to United Paws!  United Paws is the amazing rescue group that saved Ellie and Cory and countless other kitties.

So here is my view of the snow from the window.

I know we didn't get much, but even a little bit of snow is not comfortable on the paws.

Even the deck is not very inviting.

So back to the computer and time to buy seeds! 

Pee Ess...if Renees Garden Seeds sounds familiar, it's where Raymond and Busby's mom works!  All the more reason to pay them a visit!

 ****we do not receive any free seeds from Renee's Garden...we just think they are cool all on our own****