Society of Feline Gardeners-Thursday In The Garden With Jonesie

What I want to know is who spilled the beans?  Who among you leaked the super secret password to our garden society?  Who let in?  He knew it...he looked at me with those sad brown eyes and murmured it under his doggie breath. I heard it.  "meow".  I had to let him in.

He romped all over my garden.  I kept a watch at a distance.  And then he did it.

Just like he did with my sister Ginger.  He exposed himself to me.

I thought...hmmm.  Might be useful.  There are construction projects my dad is working on with Figaro.  I have no interest in construction, even if it's to help my garden.  Maybe this little guy can be useful.  I can't quite picture it, but I'm willing to consider it.

Grete agreed to keep an eye on him, but you can see how she turned her back on him.  A garden cat's work is never done.  Looks like I'm going to have to watch him for awhile.  You don't suppose she is the one who gave him the password?  My own Grete?

So my furry friends, it's officially autumn.   Our sedum "autumn joy" is in bloom.  That's one thing I love about my garden.  No matter what time of year it is, there is always something in bloom or work to be done.  It makes me purr.  Below is a close up of the plant.
Please leave a link so we can see what's going on in your garden!