Tabby Tattletale Tuesday

We got 8 little goblins showing up at our house on Sunday night.  Mom thought they were cute.  I really don't understand what she's talking about.  I mean, the doorbell rang, we had to get up from our naps.  Grete barked.  What's so cute about that?   And then...the worst of it is...they were asking US for treats!

Not one of those little brats children had anything for me!  No nip.  No stinky goodness.  No cat dancers.  All take.  And dad even let one little cowboy take 2 candy bars!!!
What a horrible holiday.  Then I read with horror as my friends in the blogosphere got dressed up in costumes or photoshopped beyond recognition.
I'm ready for Thanksgiving.  Bring on the turkey!
As for Corywhippersnapper...she was happy with one of dad's socks. 

Ginger has no idea what she's missing!!!