Thursday In The Garden With Jonesie

There is so much to do in the garden this time of year.  No time to waste, let's get on with our day!
Figaro is learning so much.  He's becoming quite the quality control expert where boo berries are concerned. 

Here he is making some adjustments to the wires where the grapes are growing.  It's probably going to be a year before they need them, but he wants to make sure everything is ready.

I'm spending time with the herb garden because a certain someone took my favorite snoozing spot...
Yes, Ginger is snoopervising the table grapes, but don't let her fool you.  She was asleep right after mom took this photo and she stayed there ALL DAY! 
Here is one of our mystery flowers.  Dad had to take a cutting to our nearby garden center so they could tell him what it was.  Not even I, Jonesie the MasterGardenCat knew what it was.  Not even Cory the MasterGooglerCat could figure it out either.  Turns out it is a Lysimachia Puntata.

This teensy flower below is a Scarlet Pimpernel.  We had to have help identifying it too! 
Cory has been putting her paw down around here, so I'm including her today. While we are at work in the garden, she is making sure all is well in the house. She snoopervises us from the window.

Dad appreciates all I do to keep things in line in the garden.  I don't want anyone to think I am taken for granted.  I'm richly rewarded with all the belly rubs a garden cat could want.  There's nothing quite like a summer roll in the grass while getting your belly rubbed.


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