Cory Announces CatOlympics Event!

Hi there everyone!  I wonder how many of you were around when we last held the CatOlymic events a couple of years ago?  Well you are in for a ton of fun!  My furriend Huffle Mawson is getting us all off to a good start.  Please click the link to to her blog and she'll give you all the scoop.  What you need to know from us is that we'll be hosting the Balance Beam competition!  

I don't have photos of winning entries from the last event, but we've got a few ideas for preparing and training for this world class competition.

Points will be awarded for style and degree of difficulty.  Below, Jonesie demonstrates how to start training on a wide beam that is close to the ground.

Below, Cecilia demonstrates how she has tried the narrow strip of wood around the garden bed.  It's close to the ground but very difficult to walk on.  See how she uses the soft dirt to cushion her fall.

Safety first my pals!

Figaro attempts and fails at the brick border.  Notice the soft grass is not far from his paws!  Soon he will attempt more difficult apparatus.

Jonesie and Cecilia work together to improve their skills.

So there you have it, lots of ideas on how to train.  You can use indoor or outdoor balance beams.

Here are the rules to enter:

You must submit your entry to me no later than Friday 13th July (whatever time zone you're in).
  1. You must email me your picture, together with the name of the cat/dog competing AND a link to your blog by sending it to corycatblogATgmailDOTcom
  2. Competing in this event means that you are giving me permission to use your picture for the Cat-O-Lympics 2012.
  3. Entry is open to all cats and dogs. You do not need to have a blog to enter.
  4. Cory has not yet decided how the winner will be determined however since gymnastics are typically a judged event, we will likely use a poll on the blog so readers can vote.
  5. Prizes will be the pride  you have in knowing that the CatBlogsphere knows how awesome you are!
Oh yeah, and you need to be balancing on something!