Thursday in the Garden with Jonesie- Society of Feline Gardeners


I'm guarding our nip patch today.  I think later my whole family will be diving into the nip, trying to take away the pain of losing so many of our dear furriends in the Blogosphere.  Just recently Beau, then Sammy...and one of our bestest pals Fin...and earlier this year our dear furriend Lolo and Cory's love Whitey.   So many others too.

Tomorrow morning yet another furriend leaves us for The Bridge, our beloved furriend Parker.
 We are all a bit down thinking about it.  

My good pal and Society of Feline Gardeners member, Artemisia, has been missing since Monday night.  We are all purring for her safe return home.
 I was sitting with the nip when I noticed 2 little ladybugs on the leaves.  This meant a lot to me since I've been hanging out with the nip for a couple of months and these are the very first ladybugs!  I took it as a sign that my furriends will be ok.
 Artemisia will come home safely...
 But I still can't help shedding a tear.