Society of Feline Gardeners- Thursday in the Garden with Jonesie


Welcome furriends!  This has been a sad week for me.  My good pal and esteemed member of the Society of Feline Gardeners was diagnosed with tumor this past week.  Momo is special to me.  She lives on the other side of the world so I can always count on her for sunbeams in her summer garden when it's dark and wintry here. 

So purr a purr for her.

I decided the best thing for me to do was appreciate what I have and share it with others.  I love the pink snow we get this time of year.
It falls to the ground and gets EVERYWHERE!  Even in the house!
This is the flowering cherry tree that produces the pink snow.
Our Rhododendrons continue to bloom.
The kale mom let go to seed is attracting lots of bumble bees!  Mom won't pull it up until the bees have had their time. 
I snoopervised the planting of a 3rd row of grapes!  They are not producing yet, but maybe in a few years!
The apple trees are getting their blossoms too.
Our herb garden is taking off...lots of chives and oregano for our dinner.

The herb garden smells good so I spend time here.  You can see some of the sage in this picture. 
Our California Lilac is also showing her colors! 
Time to get back to work...remember my private door into my garden?

See you later!