Cecilia's Big Day

Hi there blogging buddies, Cecilia here!

The photo above is a picture taken of me when I first arrived here.  It was January 1, 2008 and I was homeless and ill.   I had nowhere to turn so when I found this wonderful yard and nice people, I let them take me in.   I had an upper respiratory infection and my new mom and dad made sure I got everything I needed to get well. 

They intended to get me all well and then find me a good home, but getting me well took longer than they expected...and well, you know.  With a face like mine, they fell in love.

Living here hasn't always been easy.  I have never really liked being a part of a big cat family.  I like other cats ok, just one or 2 at a time.  And uh...Bennette and Ginger?  I really can't stand them.  It's true.   Ginger and I have done better over the last few years, but Bennette and I have been having all out wars.  The sad thing is that this is upsetting everyone, especially Ellie and Cory who adore Bennette.

I have been in the house now for awhile and what I love best is sleeping on the bed in between my humans.  Problem is that Ellie and Bennette want to do the same thing.  I really need my humans to myself.  It's what I want.

And that brings me to our decision.   Mom and dad have decided that even though they love me, they have to think about what's best for me.   What's best for me is to live with a couple of humans who can focus on ME!  Mom found just the place with a longtime friend who has had kitties in the past, but is currently catless.  Can you imagine?  I know.  Sounds like just the place for ME!

Arrangements were made and I went to my new home on Sunday afternoon.   Now...please furriends, I need a few purrs.  Even though I'm delighted at the prospect of not having to share a house with other kitties and my humans will be...MINE, I'm still a bit scared since I don't know where the h*** I am!   Mom sent me to my new family with my familiar food and a bag of fresh nip from the garden...but you know, change is hard.

I have such wonderful memories of my blogging pals, the highlight was competing in the CatOlympics...in the Daphne luge competition.

Here I am in my new pink carrier, ready for my next adventure!

I'm hoping that I will get to guest post in the future so I can let you all know how I'm doing. 

Happy Tails my furriends!