Tabby Tattletale Tuesday

 Hey there gossip fans, Ginger here!  Back from my stint as official gossip columnist for Real Housecats of the Blogosphere!

Back on the home front...we got OUTDOOR time this past weekend!!!!  Woo hoo!   It's been months and months of being cooped up and closed up.  Turns out the little evil woofie next door who was cramming himself under the fence moved away.  Good riddance bone breath!!!

We got snoopervised time in our yard and we all were thrilled even if the pawpawrazzi followed our every  move. 

So...not to say anything bad about my brother Figaro...superstar in his own mind...but he had stuff stuck to his rear.  Yes, if you look closely there are leaves there, but those leaves are glued on there with...yeah, you kitties know it.   Ewwwwww!   Mom and dad had to give Mr. Figgy a butt bath!    Hey, as long as it's not me!!!

Jonesie was overjoyed to get back in her garden...but in a little known side of our Miss Jones...she doesn't take any guff from ANYONE.  Not even the mistress of trouble, Bennette.  

Yup, this is what Bennette thinks of that!  


Just remember kitties, you heard it here first!

I'm gonna roll on the deck and get dirt in my furs. 

I deserve it!