Bert & Ernie Explore

Daisy: Here are my pets, Bert and Ernie! They live in a 20 gallon aquarium. When it is time to clean their cage, they have to go in this little plastic cage for a few minutes. Here they are ready to go back in and explore their newly-cleaned home!
They get Carefresh bedding mixed with aspen shavings and a handful of Timothy hay. There are also toys like wooden sticks, wood blocks, and pieces of cardboard to chew up. Those toys sound a little bit boring! Gerbils love to burrow, and they especially have fun exploring their home after it has been cleaned and rearranged. Here Ernie found a piece of dried carrot! They eat from a bowl, but there are also bits of food scattered around for foraging fun.
After doing all that burrowing, Ernie's hair got a little bit messy. It looks like he has a tiny mohawk!
Here is a little video of Bert and Ernie exploring right after their cage was cleaned:

If you can't see the video, you can click here to see full sized on YouTube!