ManCat Monday
Guess what? I heard that sweet little miss Truffle came by to check up on me!
Wow! A cute little sweetheart like that checking up on big ol' me? Seems just yesterday my mom thought I was a girl ::rolls eyes:: and now that the world knows the truth about my mancatliness...I now have sweet young things checking in on me and my handsomeness!
Uh...what's that you say Ellie? Oh, Truffle was worried because I was at the vet and had issues with ::whispers:: constipation?
So here's the story. I had to stay at that vet for 3 whole days until they knocked me out and um...cleaned me out. Ever since I've been home mom gives me medication twice a day. I like it because it's from a pharmacy that makes medicines for kitties that taste like chicken juice! Plus mom slips Miralax in my food too. It's working because mom keeps a watch on what comes out of me and she seems quite pleased.
Yeah, I know. Mom's are weird.
Ellie, are you sure Truffle doesn't think I'm handsome?