Society of Feline Gardeners- Thursday in the Garden with Jonesie


Welcome back to my garden!  Seems we had our 2 days of 90 degree weather and now we're right back down in the 70's.  Sigh.  At least the warmer weather did wonders for my tomatoes!

We had bees buzzing in the buddliea.

Our pears are getting ready to eat.  If mom stops being lazy, perhaps she can dry some or make pear sauce.

My brother Figaro was busy trying to look handsome.  Apparently quite a few of you girl kitties...and mothers too (sheesh!!) want to be his girlfurriend.  Figgy is a bit overwhelmed with all of the attention.

I feel I must let you girls know exactly what you are getting into.  I mean when Figgy says he gets a wee bit dirty...::ahem:: LOOK AT THOSE PAWS!!!!

If you biggify the picture below you can see the garden stuff in his furrs!

I tell you he's a regular Pig Pen!

But he's a love...and I think he wants to be boyfriend girlfriend with everyone!!!

He's only 2...what does he know?   He'll have to figure this out on his own. 

In the meantime he needs to help me in the yard!