Monday Mayhem

What a weekend!  You know I was supposed to share my gossip with you tomorrow on Tabby Tattletale Tuesday but there were a couple of things that got in the way.  First of all...the gossip from this past weekend was WAY too good to wait.  Second...we have a bit of a celebration going on tomorrow in honor of Figgy who turns 2! 

So on with the gossip!   So...Friday night was all peaceful and stuff.  Mom and dad went out for awhile and when they came back they took Grete in the backyard for some quality time and squeaky ball chasing.   Jonesie usually joins them for this.  So because I wasn't right there when it happened, I'm relying on Jonesie and Grete to help me out here...

Anyway...there was a rustling in the bushes.  This happens all the time...sometimes it's a squirrel, a neighbor cat...even a birdie.  Grete went to investigate.  Dad tagged along.  Jonesie stayed with mom. 

Before dad got to Grete...let's just say a certain "odor" filled the air.  Dad yelled for Grete to get away.   Mom grabbed Grete by the collar and dad grabbed Jonesie.

Yes, it was a skunk. 

They all ran.

By the time they all got up to the house it was obvious Grete got skunked.   

Grete had to wait outside while mom and dad figured out what to got on the internet and FB and got help from Raymond and Busby's mom.  They got a recipe for de-skunking solution so dad had to dash off to the all night drug store to get it.

The recipe in case any of you need it in the future is:

1 quart hydrogen peroxide
1/4 cup baking soda
1 tsp liquid soap

Grete was a good girl and got her de-stink bath.

Grete here!  I was just having fun, minding my own business...when I heard the rustling I did what I always do.  I go check it out!  At first I thought we had a new black & white kitty in the neighborhood, but then I thought...whoa...kitties don't smell like this!  Ick! 
I didn't understand why I had to wait outside for what seemed like forever.  Mom kept telling me I was too stinky!  The nerve!  It's not like it was my fault.  Once I got to come in I had to be led by leash immediately to the shower.

Anyway, I must smell ok now because all is back to normal. 

Yes, all is back to what passes for normal around here.