In a Pickle

A few days ago we got this special package from Tipsy Nip! I could smell that there is something good in the box, but I could not get the box open by myself.

MOMMEH! I am waiting. Can we open the package now?

Finally we got to open the box, and look at the treasure we got to try out! We each got our very own Tickle Pickle™ , a Tipsy Nip™ ball, and organic Tipsy Nip™ catnip. Harley and I cannot wait to try them out.

Harley went wild over the Tickle Pickle. It is filled with 100% organic catnip and it is good for kitties who like to play wild and bunnykick their toys.

Here is a close-up of Harley's wacky face.

Here is the Tipsy Nip ball. It is a wooden ball infused with catnip! My Mommeh had trouble getting action shots because it rolls so fast!

I liked the Tickle Pickle, too, but I am more refined in my play style than Harley!

I am more of a catnip connoisseur, and this Tipsy Nip organic catnip was the greatest. See how green it is?

I'm going bowling!

We both got hyped up on all the excellent catnip. Unfortunately, things ended a little bit badly.

Harley and I both give FOUR PAWS UP for the Tipsy Nip toys. Thank you for letting us test them out!

Disclosure: Tipsy Nip Organic Catnip Products provided these items for us to review, but all of the opinions in this post belong to me and Harley.