I Passed My Test!

If you remember, I told you about how I made a few mistakes on my lab test at the vet's, and so I had to take a potty test. I went potty on the plastic pellets at home like a good girl.

Here is the potty I made on the plastic pellets. I climbed right into the tiny litterbox that had a small layer of these tiny pellets. First I played in them, then I went potty! My potty had to sit in the refrigerator because I decided to go at about 5:30 in the morning! Those black specks are some of the plastic pellets.

Since there was something not exactly right with my sample, the vet wanted a new, fresh sample. So I got dropped off there next week, and I had to STAY there in a tiny cage until I went potty! I stayed there all day long, but I refused to go because I was a little bit skerred. So they STOLE some potty using a long NEEDLE in my BELLEH! AAAIIIEEEEEE! If you follow me on Facebook, you probably already saw this video.

But now I have some good news....

This potty passed the test! Hooray! I am an excellent student.

Thank you to everybuddy who thought of me during this time. I am certain that is why I did so well on my test!