Woofie Wednesday- Be The Change For Pets with Grete

With joy in my heart.

And grass in my mouth.  I have an announcement to make.

While mom was at BlogPaws something big happened.  She was sitting there enjoying the last day of the conference and there was a drawing for lots of prizes.  Mom was getting excited because there were lots of wonderful things...including a Bissell spot cleaner.  Oh how she wanted that!

But then something even better happened.  They announced they'd be drawing for one of the best prizes of all.  The opportunity to choose a service dog organization to receive $500.00.  Wow!  Turns out Eukanuba/Iams is the sponsor of this prize.

And...mom won! 

When she got home she told me that I would be able to choose the winning organization.  It didn't take me long to make my decision.  We live in Oregon and mom and I get to see a wonderful program in action.   Guide Dogs for the Blind has a campus in Boring Oregon.  They train their amazing dogs in downtown Portland all the time.  And guess what?  Sometimes I take my walkies in downtown Portland.

And what's even cooler is that mom once got the opportunity to be at a luncheon in support of Guide Dogs for the Blind.  She got to hear Michael Hingson speak.  She got to see sweet puppies being delivered to the puppy raisers!

I wish I was cool enough and smart enough to be a Guide Dog, but I'm ok with it.  I've got a job.  I'm a cat herder and proud of it.