Be The Change For Pets with Figaro

Hi there, Figaro here!  I wanted to let you all know that while my mom was away at BlogPaws, I got sick.  My dad took me to the emergency v-e-t where they found that my temperature was 105.6.  They gave me a shot and some fluids and sent me home with antibiotics.  I was SO glad to see mom when she got home.  I even slept with  her.  I never do that!  

I'm feeling a bit better now and I'm resting on the comfy blankets.  Mom talked to me about her weekend and how she learned about how to Be The Change For Pets!  I know she has already been the change for me.  Not so very long ago I was without someone to care for me or take me to the v-e-t.  I may not like to go, but I realize now that I'm a lucky kitty to have a family to do that for me.  If I was still on my own, who knows what would have happened to me.  I'm only one year old and I can't fend for myself. 

So enough of me now.  I know lots of you wanted to see our swag from BlogPaws.  One of the coolest things was a squeaky dragon toy for Grete woofie.  It was provided by the nice people of Kyjen toys.
Grete got a hold of it and flung it around and squeaked it non-stop!!!  It has squeakers placed all over it's plush body.  If you look closely you can see all the raised areas and each of them has a separate squeaker.

Most of you know our woofie girl is shy when it comes to the camera in the house.  The blur is Grete.  The squeaky dragon was much more cooperative in this photo session.

Cory is showing off some of the swag that was in our bag.  There was more swag that was picked up at the various vendor tables, so we can't remember what was in the bag and what mom picked up along the way.  Mom said her head was still spinning and she doesn't remember some things. 

Swag close up.

Ellie was excited because we got presents from our friend Skeezix!
Skeezix got us a nip nanner, catnip, a feather toy...and mom is crazy over the pink Skeezix cap!

My friend Sparkle had a cool toy to give to us!  She won Best Cat Blog!  How cool is that?

Mom sat with a nice man representing the Kong company.  And guess what?  Yup, he gave my mom toys to bring to us.
Mom got a new book to read.  Do you think Grete will want to read it too?

While all the swag was cool, mom was reminded of the need to Be The Change For Pets

Mom has been the change for all of us, as we can't forget that we are 9 cats and a dog, all figuring out love the second time around.  All of us are rescues.  All of us were homeless at one time.

  Let's put the bitey on being homeless.  One cat or dog at a time, we can make a difference.

Pee Ess:  Something else very cool happened at BlogPaws.  Tomorrow Grete will reveal what it is!