No visitors beyond this point please

There's no denying Oxford is a beautiful place. But, like many in Britain, it is also overpriced, and in the month of July, amongst hordes of (other) tourists, pretty much a no-no, as we learnt the hard way.
Most of these pictures were taken in the first 10-15 minutes of grace of our visit, when we happened to stumble upon a quiet corner. Soon after that the place filled to the brim and there was no room to drop a needle.
Add to that rude staff, exorbitant fees and restricted access once you paid them, and you have a perfect recipe of how not to spend, lose or kill your hard earned time off.
Then, just before we left, grumpy old me couldn't help but notice all the ivy had died of this old building I have admired and photographed in the past.
Couldn't choose much in terms of outfit pics either, as my teeth seemed to want to eat my face up all of the time.
The cherry on the cake was though the penalty charge notice that arrived a few days later. Apparently, just as we were giving up and leaving, we were seen spending some quality time on a bus lane.
60 quid worth, exactly. Surprise, surprise.