Friday In The Box

It's raining today. China Cat went back to bed but I decided to lay down in front of the sliding glass door to watch for bunnies and chipmunks. The problem came when it got really bright outside and then there was a huge boom! I am terrified of thunder so I had to run and hide under the bed!
After a while I thought it was safe to come out. I snuck down the hall and into the family room. There wasn't any more thunder but right there in the family room I found a lovely yellow box. I'm sure that my Food Lady must have put it there for me! I jumped right in to see if I would fit in it! Look at me - I do fit in it!
I think it might be a good napping spot... Maybe it will be more comfortable this way... Oh, look there is my Food Lady!
I bet that she cannot see me snuggled up in my yellow box.
I turned my laser eyes bright yellow to match the box!P. S. Happy 55th Anniversary to my Grandparents today,
they are my Lap Lady's parents!