In the wrong place at the wrong time...

...Doing the wrong thing...This time, embracing being a Deep Autumn (as opposed to the Winter I've always coveted)... right at the beginning of spring. Admittedly, it had to be done.
I have been trying to find my place in this world of colors for months now. Accepting who you are does you good, goes the theory. As for wearing rust colors in the spring...surely my timing could have been better.

The question is though: what exactly does a Deep Autumn wear in the spring? ...Well, for those of us impaired where it comes to yellow and peach, there is always...beige. Yep, I'm afraid it is a blah as it sounds. I, for one, will never get over my peach failure, especially with the trillions of vintage items out there in all possible shades of peach. For example, if you ever come across a beautiful 1930's slip, there's a 90% chance it will be peach.

Nevertheless, here I am, wearing some more forgiving autumn colors including beige. As for the not so vintage get up, I guess until those 30s sporty outfits miraculously turn up in my wardrobe, I'll wear what I can. Anyway this experiment was about the color rather than the style. And at least from the neck up is not too bad. Or is it?

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