Hooray I was tagged too...

Yesterday I had a very frustrating Friday.
I was tagged by Dragonheart for a meme...
and I wanted to respond right away...
but we were having internet problems.
Then today we were still having internet
and blogger problems.
Luckily, my Big Janitor came home
and fixed the internet problems
so my Food Lady can finally help me
with my meme!
First, here's my Five Reasons Why I Blog:
1. I really like blogging because it's so much fun.
I am a big fan of "fun"!
2. I like putting up pictures of myself
so that others can see me
and what fun I have every day.
3. I have really enjoyed meeting
so many other new friends.
4. I get to have lots of quality time with my Food Lady.
5. I learn a lot of things reading other blogs
that I never would have known otherwise.
Most importantly,
I learned about Temptations and Catnip Cigars!
And here is who I am tagging:
Munchkin, Missy and Monte

Bow at Forty Paws - He has lots of white fur like me!
Precious at The Big Piney Woods Cats
Faz the Cat
William of Mass Destruction