Mitten Monday

Hi there pals!  As most of you know, I went to the v-e-t last week.  I was having some ::ahem:: issues with my pee.  It's embarrassing to meow about it, but sometimes you just have to put it out there.  I knew something was wrong so I kept waiting until mom was looking and then I'd go...on the bathroom floor or by the back door.  You places it would be easy to clean up since I'd never want to cause any trouble.

So anyway, mom was worried because I did have a more serious issue awhile ago that needed to be treated with anti-biotics and stuff.  We eat a special food, S/O.

My v-e-t said I didn't need any more anti-biotics, but he did give me some pain meds for a week or so to make me more comfortable.  He also gave me a sample of C/D cat food to see if that might work better.  We had a few days supply and during that time I didn't pee in the wrong places.

Then we ran out and I went back to S/ guessed...I went on the bathroom floor again.  Dad went out and got me a big bag of C/D...and guess what?  No more peeing in the wrong spots.

Now mom is kinda excited about's only been a week, but we're all hoping the new food will help  me.

I appreciate all of you who have purred for me.

Oh...and for all of you who have entered the Balance Beam competition....whoa, you are a talented bunch.  I'd love to see more entries!   Click on the Cat-O-Lympics tab (it's the one on the far right) on my bloggie to see the entries and get instructions on how to enter.