Society of Feline Gardeners- Thursday in the Garden with Jonesie

I love this time of year in the garden.  The beds have been cleaned out and the new plants are in the ground.  Now we have to nurture the baby plants to make sure they grow.  They like it when you sleep near them.  My furs keep them warm.  That's important when your weather has been about 10 degrees cooler than what it should be this time of year.
 I have lots to snoopervise since we have seedlings as well as baby plants.
 Grete woofie hasn't been too serious about her garden work. She's been more interested in her squeaky ball and zooming around the yard.  It's what makes her happy.
 Not that I ever slack off...nope not no attention to those white paws on that super comfy Adirondack chair.
 Before I say goodbye until next week...we had a VERY special appearance this week from our very own raspberry vines!  Mom does a happy dance when it's raspberry season. 
That makes me purr.