Society of Feline Gardeners- Thursday in the Garden with Jonesie


Oh these are sad days in the garden.  It's officially Spring but my paws tell me it's still Winter.  I feel like I've transformed unwillingly from Jonesie, Master Gardener and Queen of My Jonesie, the Weather Cat.


The view this past morning was depressing...but then tonight...

Ugh. It got worse.


There's no point in me even trying to step a paw outside.  Aside from the weather, there was a bright spot in my week.  My mom and dad informed me that the evil Jack Russel Terror who tried to murder me last summer has moved away.   That made me purr.   Mom and dad will still repair the fence when decent weather returns before I'm let outside again.

So...I've been enjoying my couch and blankie.  We even put a fire in the fireplace again.

See how I'm showing you the left side of my pretty face?'s a little secret.  When mom came home last night she saw that my face was all puffed up.  She freaked out a bit so I was hauled off to the v-e-t to get it checked out.   I sang quite the song on the way there!   I'm now on medicine for a week.  The vet is not sure if someone bopped me (Figaro!!!!) or if I just scratched myself since I do that when I get issues with my Rodent Ulcers.  They had to shave some furs off my face and in the process a few of my whiskers are  no more.  Mom tried to salvage them and take them home but she dropped them. 


So...anyway, for my furriends, here are my toesies!
All 4 in one shot!  See how nice and clean they are?  I hope to get dirt on them soon!