Tuesday Takeover with Momma Ellie

Hi there! I'm the momma around here, so I've booted Miss Ginger and Miss Bennette and Mr. Figaro from Tabby Tuesday this and Tuxie Tuesday that.

It was our 3rd Blogoversary yesterday and mom forgot!  Good thing our furriends in the Cat Blogosphere remembered us.  You know this bloggie got started because my daughter Cory was spending quite a bit of time on the laptop opening up notepad with her paws and cute little bottom.  She'd type stuff all on her own, so our mom figured she should help our daughter out.  Give Cory an official way to communicate.

Yes, that's right, OUR daughter.  Cory has 2 mommas.

This bloggie was supposed to be mostly about me and Cory, but with 9 of us kitties and our woofie Grete, it's hard to get time on our own blog.  That plus the fact that Cory and I are not easy to photograph. Seems that unless we are asleep, we are in constant motion.

Move a little to left Cory...let me sniff...yeah that's right.

Uh, now where was I?

Oh yes, it takes about a kazillion photos of us to get few good ones.   There are too many things to do...too many bugs to chase and too many kitties to wash to sit still.  I was not meant to be a kitty supermodel.

Although my mom tells me I've got the looks for it!