Society of Feline Gardeners- Thursday in the Garden with Jonesie


I thought I should meow a bit louder this week, just because of all the stuff going on at my house this past week.

Turns out that I got one of the best tomato harvests EVER!  Woo hoo!  This is just some of the tomatoes we have harvested this week.

This year instead of the usual varieties we planted heirloom.  Of course mom didn't write down what we planted, so we have forgotten.  I couldn't read the tags on the plants either...sigh.  All I know is that I watched over them and made sure they got water and stuff...

Dad thanked me for all of my help since they could not have done it without me.

The sedum is getting more pink every day.  It's a sure sign that fall is almost here.

We got another surprise this week!  A second harvest of raspberries!  There are not that many, but they are sure appreciated.  You should have seen the way my mom and dad carried on about them. 

It's embarrassing!

Hope you find wonderful surprises in your garden!