Society of Feline Gardeners- Thursday in the Garden with Jonesie and Figaro

The super secret password has been changed.

It's now "meowwwwww".

 I wanted the password to be woofie friendly, but after what happened to me I can't take any chances.  Any woofies wanting to join our meetings must either be accompanied by a kitty...or they can check in with Grete at the gate.

Now...on to serious garden news.   See, dad hired some humans to help cut the grass.  They were not good at what they do and they weed whacked some of our young fruit trees to death.   Here I am, belly up, near one of our soon to be replaced trees.  This one is a honeycrisp apple tree.
Figaro is sitting near one of our deaded apricot trees.  These trees mean a lot to Figgy because he was just a kitten, starting to learn the gardening ropes when these trees were planted.
Figaro started his apprenticeship with me back in February of last year when he was just a wee lad of 6 months.  Mom and dad didn't know it, but Figgy was a mankitten...and not a girl cat.  Dad used to call Figaro "Freeta Bandeeta"...until he wised up and looked under his furry tail.  Anyway, losing these trees makes us hiss.
Figgy is consoling the tree, trying to save it.

I am glad dad said those careless humans are not allowed back in my garden.
It's fine to get help in your garden.  A gardencat and her family can't do it all...but please be aware that everyone who comes in your garden must have constant snoopervision.

I was afraid of the introoder humans and their power tools so did not closely watch what they were doing.  Next time I'll know to snoopervise from a safe location so I can alert mom and dad if something goes wrong.

The new trees arrived and will soon go in the ground.

Figaro said that since he had an important paw in the planting of the unfortunate trees, he will be there to have a paw in the planting of their replacements.