
When I said I would post the winners on Monday I should have remembered what day that was going to be! So I apologize for making promises I couldn't keep since my family and I were busy with the festivities of the day (i.e. free pancake breakfast, parade, street festival, extended afternoon naps, dinner out and fireworks... from afar because the main venue decided to NOT have fireworks on the 4th but had them the two previous nights... HELLO!?! Duh. I was ticked. Not to mention that it made my 5 year-old burst into real anguished crying when I read the big lit-up sign that said "No fireworks tonight" as we drove by. So we had to drive to a different location which was already saturated with people since everyone from the main venue had to come over to the secondary venue to see anything at all -- on the actual Day of Independence!!)

Okay. Enough ranting. Now for the winners!

The winners of the pattern giveaway are as follows:

Group #1 -- Children's Size

Group #2 -- Women's Larger Size

Group #3 -- Women's Smaller Size

And the winner of the vinyl giveaway is:

Ladies, please e-mail me your addresses at catonalimb (at) gmail (dot) com and I will get those prizes sent out to you ASAP!

I'll be posting Out on a Limb Tuesday next.