Thursday In the Garden With Jonesie


Now that summer is winding down, I like to hang out in the garden with my family.  Ginger and Figaro spend lots of time with me.  I'm proud of all that Figaro has learned from me this year.  And Ginger...well, she's a good girl but she's not much of a gardener.
Bennette likes to join us too, but she only spends a little time in the garden.  She mostly just likes to meow about the latest neighborhood news with Ginger.

We have one sunflower this year.  It's a volunteer from last year when mom planted a bunch of sunflower seeds.  It didn't get very  big, but we still love it because it makes us happy. 

Our nicotiana is blooming now.  It comes in all sorts of pretty colors.

And look at me!  I'm no longer afraid of the composter!  We are finally getting a few tomatoes.  Most of them are still green.  I think all of them are going to get ripe all at the same time and then Cory is going to have to help mom make salsa and sauce.

We only have a few eggplants.  They are not doing as well as last year, so we will enjoy the ones we have.
Hope all is going well in  your garden this week.  Please leave a link!