Sunday Projects

One of the first things we did as a family is build a fenced off area to keep Oliver out of trouble.  Our fence is great for Grete woofie, but there are too many places for little Oliver to escape.  Grete and Oliver went to the home improvement store to find just the right fence panels for our yard.

It was Oliver's first shopping trip and he was SO excited!  Grete was so proud to show him around.  She's an old pro at this. 
Once they brought home the materials, dad and I got to work.  It's important to place your paws on the spots where dad is supposed to put the fence posts, otherwise he wouldn't know where to put them.

As a builder cat, I take pride in a job well done.  This should keep the little squirt from pestering us in the rest of the yard. 
That's right Oliver, the rest of the yard belongs to us cats!