Society of Feline Gardeners- Thursday in the Garden with Jonesie

Welcome back to my garden!  There is more to being a garden cat than digging in the dirt and managing the plants.   Yes, even more than snoozing and rolling in fresh nip.

  Today I want to talk about building stuff in the garden.  I don't usually do this kind of work.  I sometimes watch my dad, but now that Figaro is here, he handles that part of the garden chores.

Before Figaro got sick he did a lot of work in the garden with dad.  He wanted me to show you all he accomplished the weekend before he went to the v-e-t.  Don't worry, he's doing much better now and hoping to get back outside soon.  Mom and dad have locked him in for now.  Good news is that he is up and about and causing trouble again.

Before Figaro gets to work, he checks in with me on the master plan to be sure I approve. 

Then he checks in with mom to make sure she approves.

Then he gets to work.  Here he is snoopervising building an outdoor area for our scraps of wood for building stuff.

It's important to make sure the electric cord stays plugged in while dad saws stuff.  Figaro does an amazing job!

Figaro snoopervises the emptying of the trailer. Notice how he tucks himself off to the side so he doesn't trip dad.  This is advanced technique my furry friends!

Figaro knows which door belongs to him.  He lets dad use the big door.

Hope you enjoyed seeing how Figaro works hard to compliment my skills in the garden.  I think we make a really cool team. 

Please leave a link so we can see what's up in your garden!