Is it coming? It has arrived...

When I think of autumn my heart hides in a corner scared. The invading rain and indoor breaks are memories not yet healed.
Nor is the menace of winter on the horizon, later the winter that doesn't want to leave: always a guest who overstays their welcome.

This morning though, waking to sun and crisp, cool air, I can dream the best dream of autumn, and look forward to crunchy leaves, the smell of chrysanthemums, the plumpness of pumpkins, the coziness of woolens elegantly draped, and that special luxury the shop windows seem to convey on the very cold days...

The very cold days when, if you're lucky, you don't have to go out at all, and you curl up next to your four legged best friend and slowly drift away while your chimney sends up signals of peace...

Bakelite bangle from bigyellowtaxivintage, etsy:
Acorn brooch from tomatored, etsy;
Navy buttons from thevioletpansy, etsy;
Brown bag from emerald_eye_creative, ebay.