Thursday In The Garden With Jonesie

Welcome back to my garden!  I admit I've been a bit jealous as I visit my furriends in their gardens with all of their lovely red tomatoes.  I've been watching over my tomatoes.  I've purred on them.  I've warmed them with my floof.

And they are still green!

At least my corn is ready to eat.  I know Figaro will claim that he is responsible because he watched it grow, but there is more to being a garden cat than just eyeballing the crops.  You see my furriends, it's a year long process that begins with sitting on mom's lap looking through seed CATalogs.  Then I snoopervise dad as he digs up the dirt, and mom puts in the seeds and plants.  I'm there when dad waters.  And now we get our prize!
I take my job seriously because my family is depending on me for food.  Cory and Ellie wouldn't be able to lick the corn cobs if it weren't for me...and that makes me purrr.

Ellie appreciates everything I do.  She loves vegetables.

Garden Cat. 

It's not an easy job, but when you see your sisters loving what you've grown for them, it's the greatest feeling.