Sadie Katie's Halloween Costume Prize

For the Halloween Costume Contest my squillion Sadie Katie
won for the best squillion costume.
I went over and told her
as soon as I found out that she won.
She liked her costume so much
that she was still wearing it!
She was very excited about winning.
And the prize was coming from Jeter Harris
and his squillion, Laffin an Laffin
I let her know that I would watch the mailbox
and tell her when her prize arrived.
My Food Lady even put a stool in front of the window
so I could keep watch for the mailman.
I looked and looked and looked.
I think I watched for ninety squillion minutes.
Then I heard my Food Lady in the kitchen...'s dinner time.
I'll be back in a little while, Sadie Katie.
To be continued.....