Sadie Katie, the Squillion, was in the costume contest!

I'm letting China Cat's squillion Charlie post today. He was so excited about entering the Halloween Contest and wanted to show everyone the entry that he shared with Sadie Katie, who is my squillion. Sadie Katie was quite a fetching witch!
Jeter Harris sponsored the part of the contest for the Best Dressed Squillion, with the help of his squillion, Laffin an Laffin. Sadie Katie and Charlie hope that you will consider them when you go to vote here!

I'm Charlie the Squillion and I live with China Cat.
China Cat told me that squillions are eligible to enter this year's Halloween Contest! I was so excited that I rushed over to our Halloween Costume Box and found my Red Devil Costume. Normally I am a ginger tabby squillion but look at me now... I am a Red Devil with long black hair, a natty bow-tie and a long red tail!
I called over to Sadie Katie, who is Willow's squillion to find a costume for the contest. She found a most excellent witch's costume to wear and I think she looks very witchy, indeed! Then we gathered around the table with our friend, BC the Magical Black Cat and all three of our wooden cat friends. We lit the Halloween tree and had such a time telling spooky stories. We were even joined by three gargoyles and some brilliantly colored spiders. We hope that everyone has a magical Halloween like we are having!
(You can click the pic to biggify if you want to see the party better!)
China Cat shares her blog with me at
and Willow shares hers with Sadie Katie at
Happy Halloween to Everyone!