I really don't like going to the vet...

Hey, look what I found out in my screened-in porch!
It might be a scary PTU but the door is open.
So I thought I would just check it out...
Not a good idea!
As you can see, we were both trapped!
I called to my squillion Jessie, "Please get me out of here!"
She did her best but could not get me out of that darn PTU.
After we were put into my Food Lady's white VW,
named after Skeezix,
we ended up on a bench at the V-E-T!
We both complained the whole way there
but my Food Lady kept telling us that this was necessary
and it's only once a year.
When we were in Room #1,
my Food Lady discovered that I was actually drooling.
I have never drooled before but I was terrified there.
My doctor came in the room
and tried to get me to come out of my hated PTU
which somehow became my beloved PTU.
As much as I did not want to get in the PTU,
I was certainly not going to get out of it
until I was home again.
The doctor and her assistant tried dumping me out of the PTU
but I very cleverly wedged my left hind foot at the top
so I was not coming out.
OK, they eventually figured out how to get me out.
However, I just went limp and didn't even bite or scratch anybody
and therefore they did heap praises upon me
regarding what a good cat I was.
Honestly, I just wanted to go home!
Here I am back home again, on my favorite rug,
by my favorite sliding glass door,
to my favorite screened-in porch.
What a relief!!!!!
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