Happy Easter with Feathers...

Happy Easter Everyone!
China Cat found our Easter basket.
It was sitting in the family room.
I heard my Food Lady talking to China Cat
and I thought it might be a good idea for me
to get in on the action.
I rushed over to see what was going on
and found China Cat sniffing some feathery bunny ears!
Wow - I love sniffing and licking feathery things!
After checking out the bunny ears, I looked into the basket.
Oh, was I surprised!!!
Right inside that basket was a new purple feather pen.
It even had a plastic bunny on top of it.
I had to get to that purple feather pen.
I was so excited
that I accidently pulled the basket over...
OK, maybe it wasn't an "accident"
but I had to get those purple feathers.
So I dumped all the plastic eggs and plastic carrots
right onto the floor.
And then I had the pen...look at these feathers...and look at the bunny on top... ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ this is such fun... I do so love feathers... What a great Easter Day!
I will have to finish my Easter pictures tomorrow.
Today I have my new purple feather pen with a bunny on top!