China Cat found a box for me...

China Cat found a big blue box in our family room.
She called for me so I could come see it.
She knows that I love boxes!
I ran into the family room and she was right!
There was a big blue box exactly where she said it would be.
I didn't even stop to sniff it - I climbed right in that box.
(That is why my picture is rather blurry -
I was in a hurry to check out the inside of the box!)
Now I could take my time sniffing the new box.
It must have been left here for me.
I looked on the outside of the box
and I can see that the word "cat" is there,
along with some other letters.
I do like sitting in this "cat" box.~~~~~
China Cat was so happy I liked the box
she found that she came over
and patted me very nicely on my head.
I love my sister-cat China!
Oh, my Food Lady,
I love it that you left me this big blue "cat" box!