Mancat Monday

Hi there!  Ginger here.  Long time no see.  I've been doing well with my new best friend Madison.  I've been having long deep conversations with him.  Not!

You see, my Madison buddy brother lived in a long term relationship with Cecilia.  He was a bit confused by all the roommate swapping and such, but now that he's a bachelor again...and I've moved in...well, you know what that means, right?

 No Ginger...I DON'T get what you've been hinting at for days now.  Spit it out man!

 Madison...we need to have a mancat bash!  You know...inflatable cats, nip cigars, no girlcats allowed.  Music all'll be the talk of the blogosphere!  You've been living with a girl for way too long.   There's even ::ahem:: pink cats on the blankie you adore.  ::rolls eyes::

I can get on the computer...I can send out invitations.  It'll be a blast!

 Mom will never figure it out until it's too late and she's left to clean up our mess.

Oh...maybe we can clean it up ourselves.  We do have a vacuum cleaner here.   But when...should we wait until spring?   Hmmmmm....

Shhh...don't let Grete find out...she'll blab for sure.