Society of Feline Gardeners- Thursday in the House with Jonesie


Well my furriends, I'm still in the house.  Not only am I being safe, it's so icky and dreary and rainy and muddy I don't even want to be out there.  It's been pouring rain and it's windy and I don't think that will change any time soon. 

Good thing we have holiday dinners and furriends stopping by. 

Since I am responsible for growing some of the food for our feast, I'm invited as an honored dinner guest.
One of the dishes mom made for Christmas Eve dinner was a roasted beet salad.  I grew the beets myself.  From seed.  Here they are all roasted up and ready to get cut up for the salad.

Just yesterday dad went out in the muddy garden and harvested the rest of our carrots.  Yes, I grew these myself as well.  From seed.  Here they are all roasted up and  yummy.  Mom even put some of them in a lentil soup.

Mom and I ordered the seed from Renee's Garden Seeds and since they did so well, we'll be ordering more in 2012.  And if they sound familiar, this is the wonderful place that Raymond and Busby's mom works.   
And what's even cooler, if you order seeds from them, and use code FR227A Renee's seeds will give 25% of the order to United Paws!

They are awesome in supporting lots of charitable organizations.  You can get your seeds AND help kitties in need.  How cool is that?