Tabby Tuesday

Hi there, Ginger here!  I've been having a rough time of it this past week.  I mean after I got all plugged up, the vets helped me out a lot.  I had to spend 3 whole days at the vet...and when I got home all I wanted to do is sit in my mom's lap and paw at her face.  I'm good at that. 

She made such a fuss over me.  

Unfortunately, on Monday morning I had to go back to the vet because I couldn't...uh...go.  I got plugged up again.  Mom is VERY worried about me because...well she's my mom.  It's her job to worry.

The vets are trying to figure out what's going on.  They think I have a condition called megacolon.  Mom says she experienced this with our guardian angel ::bows head in honor:: Michelangelo, however with me, mom says it seems worse. 

We'll know more in a few days, so in the meantime, I think it would mean a lot to me and my mom if you would purr for me.


The power of the purr is something magical.  Ginger was able to pass everything on his own last night and will not require more severe/invasive treatment.   He will be sent home today with medication to help keep things moving along as well as special food.

Thank you for all your purrs and woofs and woos!  They worked!