Tabby Tattletale Tuesday

Hi there!  Ginger here!  Yes, my secret is out.  See, it wasn't really a secret as far as I'm concerned.  I knew.  All my furry siblings knew. 

It was just my mom and dad who were confused.  Oh yeah, and most of the vets who have seen me.  Even the vet who initially examined me when I was first rescued declared me a spayed female.  The nerve!

 Now granted, I've not really been sick until just recently.  See the drama unfolded this past week when I was having issues with diarrhea and constipation at the same time.  This led to a visit to the emergency vet.

The next morning following the emergency vet visit (where they looked at me close and still thought I was a girl)...I was checked into my regular vet.  There I saw a very beautiful and smart lady vet who immediately figured out that I am a boy.  She was the one who got to make the call to my mom.  Now mom was all worried about me and stuff, but for some reason this news threw her into a fit of laughter.  She then called my dad and this news threw him into a fit of laughter too.

VERY FUNNY!  Right.   Hey, I was seriously blocked up...stop your laughing and get serious would ya?

Ok...I stayed at the vet for 3 whole days while they had to get me all unplugged.  They even had to knock me out it was that serious.   I was able to come home late Saturday afternoon.  Mom fussed over me and apologized for not figuring stuff out. 

I made her look at these photos she took of me this spring where I'm obviously assuming my belly up position, not hiding anything.  "Hey mom! Look here!  I'm a dude!"

Humans can be so dense.

I realize that my fur hid stuff, but I'm not as obvious as some of my furriends and family members as my neighbor Remington demonstrates below.

Now that I'm feeling better I do have some explaining to do to my furriend Fui.  Maybe he can fix me up with his sister!

Pee Ess...I love my name, and I even chose it myself.  My name will stay the same.  Dad reminded my mom that the drummer from the band Cream is named Ginger Baker, so it's cool for boys to be named Ginger.