Tabby Tattletale Tuesday

You won't believe what's been happening around here.

Late last week, after Jonesie posted her garden post..something terrible happened.  Now...I don't want to alarm or cause too much drama...I would never do that.   I want to start out by saying that Jonesie is fine.

It was a normal late afternoon.   Jonesie and I were in the garden...well..ok, I wasn't in the garden.  I was on the deck on my bench.

I saw an introoder.  Grete was in the house, and she saw it too and started barking her head off!  This alerted mom who was doing laundry.  Mom came up to see what Grete was barking at and she saw...well, WE saw a little Jack Russell Terror Terrier woofie in our backyard.

In OUR fenced yard! 

Mom left Grete in the house and came to see what the woofie wanted.

Mom tried to get the woofie to come to her, but the woofie wouldn't listen.  Then...the unthinkable happened.  Jonesie was walking through the garden and the little woofie saw her.  Before mom could catch the little beast, the woofie went after Jonesie.  It was horrifying...Jonesie was attacked in her very own garden.  Society of Feline Gardeners Headquarters was rudely disrespected!

Mom was screaming and trying to protect our Jonesie.  The little woofie went for Jonesie's neck and tore off her collar.  Jonesie, being a smart cookie went up the nearest tree.   This gave mom time to position herself under the tree to catch Jonesie when Jonesie couldn't hang on any longer.

Jonesie fell into the safety of mom's arms.

The cowardly woofie disappeared.

I was lucky the little crazed woofie never saw me.   I made myself REALLY small on my bench.

Jonesie has refused to step a paw outside of the house since this happened, which breaks my furry little heart since the garden has always been Jonesie's sanctuary.

She will gather up her courage to meow about what happened on her next garden post...but it won't be easy.

Dad went door to door and found where the offending woofie lives and he talked to the humans.  Mom has also filed a report with Animal Control.   Our hero dad is also fixing places where little woofies can get under the fence and into OUR garden.

The woofie WILL NOT get away with it.

All I can say is that the real hero in this whole thing is our Grete! If she had not barked to alert mom ::shudder:: I don't want to think about what would have happened.

Pee ess...Jonesie could use your purrs.  She is still very emotionally traumatized by what happened so could use your support.  Once the garden is secured, we are not sure she will feel safe going outside.