Society of Feline Gardeners-Thursday In The Garden With Jonesie and Grete's 5th Birthday!

::3 paw taps::

Welcome back to my garden!  I've been getting questions from kitties wanting to know how they can join the Society of Feline Gardeners.   It's easy!  All you have to do is be a kitty (or a woofie or buns...or birdies...-that's why we went with our new super not so secret password of 3 paw taps) that has a garden, dreams of a garden...or just wants to join us because...well just because.

You can copy our Society of Feline Gardeners badge from my side bar and use it on your bloggie to show you are a member.   Or you can email me and I can send it to you.

Then when you do a garden post on Thursdays, leave a link so all the other members of The Society of Feline Gardeners...or just curious kitties can visit you.

Ginger and I did a bit of hanging out this past week.  We didn't work too hard.

When I lay around in the garden I get leaves and stuff stuck in my furs.  I like it that way.  I'm an outdoorsy kind of girl.  It's important to show your appreciation for your garden by wearing a bit of it.

I like to stretch and show of my collection.

Gotta wander off and check out what's growing!

Looks like the broccoli is starting to look good.

Before I forget it's our Grete's 5th birthday today!

Please leave a link so we can visit!