Tabby Tattletale Tuesday
Hey there, Ginger here! I was a bit in a swoon yesterday because my sweet Tabby Mancat, Fui, discovered a cool thing. If we both climb to the top of our cat trees and look REALLY hard...we can see each other!
Turns out yesterday was a bit of a crazypants day at our place. My goofy softhearted daddy found a squirrel in trouble. He thinks it was either grazed by a car or the stupid squirrel fell out of a tree and hit his noggin. Anyway, it was acting like it had a concussion so daddy scooped in up in a blankie, put it in MY cat carrier and hauled it off to the Audubon Society...where they informed my daddy that it was NOT a "native" squirrel, therefore all they were willing to do is euthanize it. My daddy said no way to that...I mean if the squirrel had to go to The Bridge...then that's ok, but dad believes the squirrel has a fighting chance. So...
The squirrel is still in MY cat carrier in MY garage with MY blankie...with some water. Dad even checked on it and says it looks much better than this morning.
So the plan is...if Mr. or Miss squirrel can be released back in the yard tomorrow and can climb back up in the tree and can chatter mean and awful things at my dad for saving it...then all will be well in the world. But if Mr. or Miss squirrel can't function tomorrow, then dad will be ok with taking it back to the Audubon Society to be helped to The Bridge.
Mom won't even look at it because she's a total weenie and she will name it and get attached to it...
Easy stomach.
So on to bigger family news! Yes indeed we have the bestest additions to our family. Why the bestest? Because they don't live with us!!! We have new cousin kitties who were adopted on Saturday.
Meet the adorable Gracie...
And the precious Cali....
Gracie is 5 months old and Cali is 7 months old and they came from separate rescue groups in California! Welcome to the family sweet ones! If you need help sharpening your blogging know who to turn to.