Today we remember those who came before.  Those we lost to cancer.

Our woofie Callie was born in 1980.  He was good pals with Morgan, mom's first cat and soul mate.  Callie was a beautiful boy who was diagnosed with bone cancer when he was 8 years old.  He had a rapidly growing tumor on one of his hind legs.  It was very aggressive and he was only with our family for 3 weeks after his diagnosis.  He left for the Bridge in the summer of 1988.

Maggie was the light of mom and dad's life.  She was found, hungry and lost in a local boathouse back in 1998, only a few short months after moms beloved Morgan went to the Bridge.  When she started getting ill in the fall of 2005, mom and dad did not want to believe she could be leaving.  They did EVERYTHING they could to save her, but during diagnostic surgery, she was found to have an extremely aggressive form of bile duct cancer and the v-e-t said the kindest thing to do was not recover her from her surgery.  Mom and dad still miss her every day.
Colby was the woofie who came before me.  She was 6 years old when she was adopted from the Humane Society in 2000.  Mom and dad waited 2 years after wonderdogborzoiextraordinaire Gracie went to the Bridge before adopting another woofie.  Colby lived a very long and wonderful life, but she started getting ill in the winter of 2008 and she was diagnosed with liver and pancreatic cancer.   She went to the Bridge on March of 2008 at the age of 14.

Lewis arrived one fall day in 1999 and just moved in on the family.  He was like panther kitty on the outside with solid Meezer under the hood.  Colby and Lewis were best friends. It was Lewis who taught Colby how to hunt squirrels.  When Colby passed away, Lewis was never the same.  Lewis started losing weight and then started failing in the summer of 2008 very quickly.  He passed away in August 2008.

We wag our tails and purr that there will one day be a cure for cancer.

Here is a slideshow that was created by members of the CatBlogosphere with special thanks to Samantha, Clementine and Maverick's mom.  Big thank you's to Milo and Alfie's mom and Maggy and Zoey's mom for all their work bringing us all together today.