Tabby Tattletale Tuesday

The week started out fantastic.  Let me tell you my furriends, don't ever let that fool you into thinking the week will stay that way.  Just remember you heard it from me.

Mom and dad cleaned out the workshop...and hanging from the ceiling was dried nip!  Yes, they just let me play in it and roll in it!  Wow!!!!  I'm thinking this is the best place on earth and me, Ginger, gets to live here.

But then, mom looks at my back...which my furriends, looks absolutely fine.  This photograph proves it.

But NO!  Mom says I'm a mess from flea allergies and I've got itchy spots and some scabs on my back.  And then she said the "B" word.


Before I could even get a squeak out, I was swooped up and stuffed into the bathtub where mom had hypoallergenic soap ready for me.  I didn't even see it coming.  How unfair is that?

Mom said I was being a big baby because I didn't need a full body bath, just my back.  How's that for sympathy?  I thought she loved me.

Well, she did wrap me in a towel and say sweet things in my ear.  I guess I can forgive her....maybe.