My Balance Meme

Hey, this will be fun!
I was tagged by Daisy for a meme
about balance in my life.
Now being a circus acrobat star
she is very good at balance.
I'm more of a klutz
so I will be answering in a different way than she did.
First I have to give these questions some thought...
This is my thoughtful balanced look...

How do you achieve balance in your life?

For balance what I need to do is make a schedule for every day. I don't need to follow it exactly every day but I just make time for everything I need to do; such as, eating, patrolling, sleeping and playing.

What is your biggest challenge in balancing your life?

My biggest challenge is getting my Food Lady and my Big Janitor to attend to all of my needs when I want them attended to immediately. When I want my crunchies, my Food Lady should be right there serving me. And, of course, my Big Janitor should be constantly keeping my litter box fresh and clean. Oh, and then there's China Cat; she should let me snuggle up next to her all of the time without giving me the smackdown.

What are your priorities?

Of course my number one priority is having my food served when I want it. And I want it served a LOT! My other priorities would have to include a nice place for sleeping and lots of time in my porch to watch birds, bunnies and squirrels.

How have your priorities changed over time and why?

Of course with my number one priority of having my food served when I want it, there has been no change.

What advice can you share to help all of us balance our own lives?

I think that it is so very important to ask for what you want. Sometimes you have to ask quite loudly, particularly if you are asking for food! Take time to do everything that is important to you: eating, sleeping, playing and patrolling. I think that is balance!

Now it’s my turn to tag five others:


at Cats~Quotes~Goats

Faz the Cat
Caesar and Princess